Четверг, 13 марта
на весь день
Слепое правосудиеBlind Justice
США, 2005
Комментариев: 0
Режиссер(ы): Бобби Рот
Актеры: Рон Элдард, Марисол Николс, Рино Уилсон, Фрэнк Грилло, Майкл Гастон, Рина Софер
A heit gone wrong. A gunman with an AK-47. Three officer trapped without ammo. Hi partner frozen in fear, Detective Jim Dunbar without heitation took action of intene bravery that killed the gunman, aved the officer and made him a hero. He alo took a bullet that blinded him forever. Mot officer injured in the line of duty opt for dek job or early retirement. Not Dunbar. He' rehabilitated both body and attitude and fought hi way back to active duty. Hi freh tart at a new precinct i threatened by the imple truth that no one really want him there. Hi new partner, Karen Bettencourt, doen't trut that he can rely on him. However, being blind make Dunbar a better cop than he ever ha been.
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