Четверг, 13 марта
на весь день
Леди из БурлескаLady of Burlesque
США, 1943, комедия / ужастик / музыкальный
Рейтинг ВсёТВ:         
Комментариев: 0
Режиссер(ы): Уильям А. Уэллман
Актеры: Барбара Стэнуик, Майкл О'Ши, Айрис Адриан, Чарльз Дингл, Дж. Эдвард Бромберг, Фрэнк Конрой, Виктория Фауст, Глория Диксон
Sassy Dixie Daisy is the hot new attraction at a former opera house that's been turned into a burlesque theater. She's popular with the customers, although not with Lolita La Verne, a stuck-up diva who was hoping she'd get the top spot. Also complicating matters is the return of the Princess Nirvena, the show's former star who once had a fling with the boss. When the Princess blackmails her way into the top spot, Dixie is none too pleased. When both Lolita and the Princess are murdered, Dixie becomes a prime suspect. She then sets up a trap to nail the real killer.
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