Воскресенье, 19 января
на весь день
Роковые тайныConfession / Deadly secrets
США, 2005, триллер
Рейтинг ВсёТВ:
Комментариев: 0
Режиссер(ы): Джонатан Мейерс
Актеры: Крис Пайн, Камерон Дэддо, Брюс Дэвисон, Том Босли, Питер Грин, Лукас Бенкен, Адам Басселл, Роберт Пайн
Luther Scott is the school trouble-maker, selling to other students the things they can’t have including beer, movies and prescription drugs. But when a fellow student rats out his little business, Luther intends to put some fear into the boy and pushes him off an elevated walkway to an accidental death. Luther confesses the particulars to Father Kelly who is bound silent by the sanctity of the confession. And when Luther frames Kelly, the priest must decide to keep his silence or throw away everything he holds sacred.
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