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Rebel High

Канада, 1987, комедия           Рейтинг ВсёТВ:       Комментариев: 0
Режиссер(ы): Харри Джейкобс
Актеры: Уэйн Флемминг, Ральф Миллман, Дэвид Л. МакКэллум, Стю Тривакс, Кэрол Шэйми, Ширли Меровитц, Бен Кэй, Тим Кэйхилл

When Edwin Swimper (Harvey Berger) takes over as principal on the first day of classes at Rebel High, he quickly finds himself in over his head. The inside of the school resembles an apocalyptic combat zone—heavy firepower in the student lockers, protective army gear on the cowering teachers, and intermittent fires in the hallways. The tough-as-nails students literally demolish the building—and each other—between classes. Believing that all kids rebel against authority, Swimper abolishes the rulebook in a desperate attempt to restore order, but this cagey strategy backfires as slick operator Calvin Hampster (Kenny Robinson) and the rest of the students drop their math and science courses and sign up for archery to hone their hallway combat skills. Not surprisingly, Swimper quits after one day, forcing vice principal Norman Relic (Wayne Flemming) to beg the Mafia-affiliated school board for a replacement. Board head Mr. Wilcox (David McCallum) is keen to turn Rebel High into a parking lot, but he decides to give the school one last chance anyways—Red G. Peckham (Stu Trivax), a principal just back from Africa, is unaware of Rebel High's reputation, and Wilcox promises not to tear down the school if they can keep Peckham on the job and pass inspection in a few days. Refusing to be intimidated by the punk students, Peckham gets to work immediately, even convincing Calvin and his flunkies Willie (Winston Spear) and Leroy (Freddie James) to attend class, where he delivers a strangely out-of-place lecture about Jesus.

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